EndFlex End-of-line Packaging Solutions


Tray Former/Loader/Sealer All-in-One™ System

The Vassoyo All-In-One Tray Packer streamlines packaging operations by automating the entire tray formation and loading process.

Case Former/Loader/Sealer All-in-One™ System

The Boxxer All-in-one system auto- matic case forming, case packing and case sealing in one machine. This compact all-in-one unit can be con- figured to load your cases from the top, the side or the bottom and takes up minimal space in your facility.

Case Former/Loader/Sealer All-in-One™ System

Our Boxxer Wrap Around case packag- ing solution is a streamlined solution for products requiring servo-driven side-loading. This innovative system features: • Seamless integration • Synchronized movement • Precise placement • Reliable sealing • Optimized efficiency Wrap-Around Case Packing System

The EndFlex Poplok All-In-One Case Packer streamlines tray formation by automating the fold & tuck process.

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Case Packing


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