Our service department is run by factory-trained technicians who work closely with your production team to ensure the most positive servicing experience. Prior to running your new machine, we will fully educate your team so they understand key machine functionality and problem-solving techniques. Our professional service staff will guide your team through the fundamentals to ensure they can successfully operate your new state-of-the-art packaging solution.
Review system and explain agenda
Inspect and power up machines
Equipment adjustment and alignment
Equipment training
Change-over training
Maintenance training
Production operation
LASTING RELATIONSHIPS We are committed to excellence and dedicated to exceeding your expectations. By providing personal after-the-sale service and training, we build and nurture long-standing customer relationships.
Final review
Since their first Vassoyo installation, Mega Brands has added two additional Vassoyo tray formers, a Boxxer case erector and two case sealers. "EndFlex always listens and brainstorms with us to come up with solutions that meet our requirements. They say what they will deliver and they will deliver what they say...within the cost and time scheduled as planned." Dominic Prevost Maintenance & Automation Manager, Mega Brands Inc. (Mattel) Supplied as fully-integrated, turnkey line solutions, the EndFlex Packaging machines have proved to be “highly reliable pieces of equipment that immediately adjust themselves to the specific product counts and quantities that we are processing at any one time,” notes Tarnowsky. “We are very happy with the EndFlex equipment’s performance.” Emil Tarnowsky Vice President of Operations, Jempak
In reference to their custom-made VassoyoAir automatic tray forming machine, Neil Catania stated “the box we use is special, so we needed a tray former that could efficiently fold down the top flaps, and fold up the side flaps and glue it all together - and that’s what EndFlex gave us." Neil Catania General Manager, M.L. Catania Company that wouldn’t be excessively expensive. The simplicity factor was especially important because we’re located in a pretty remote part of the country, where you don’t want things going wrong if you can avoid it. Eventually I came to the conclusion that this system was what I was looking for, and the fact that it all came from one source made it all the more appealing." Mike Abeyt Product Development, Ute Mountain Tribe Farm & Ranch "As I went to trade shows and conducted other forms of research, I was looking for simple, solid, reliable equipment
SYSTEM START-UP Our skilled service technicians will ensure correct assembly, inspecting all components while checking for proper electrical and air supply. Once the equipment is powered on and started for the first time, they will make any necessary final adjustments.
OPERATIONAL TRAINING This training gives users key technical insights and product knowledge. Our service technician will touch on the principles of design and customization to expedite the learning curve, helping operators to anticipate issues and troubleshoot.
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Our field service technician will review all necessary requirements of equipment maintenance as well as proper sanitation in order to maintain equipment and component longevity.
Customer Service
Lasting Relationships
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