Conveyorized Net Weighing
Vibratory Net Weighing
PrimoLinear C-Series
PrimoLinear V-Series
The PrimoLinear C-series is designed for weigh filling applications that require a conveyor to handle sticky products like shredded, diced, or sliced vegetables, fruits, cheeses, meats, and poultry, with options for retail and bulk.
The PrimoLinear V5 automatic net weigh filling machine efficiently dispenses and fills a variety of free flowing products—such as nuts, snack foods, candy, hardware, and pet food—into packaging like bags, cartons, and containers.
C10 10 L 1 lane | 50 g - 4.5 kg | 10 cpm 2 lane | 50 g - 4.5 kg | 18 cpm
C25 25 L 1 lane | 1 - 20 kg | 6 cpm 2 lane | 1 - 20 kg | 12 cpm
V5 5 L 1 lane | 10 g - 1 kg | 10 cpm 2 lane | 10 g - 1 kg | 20 cpm 3 lane | 10 g - 1 kg | 30 cpm 4 lane | 10 g - 1 kg | 40 cpm
V10 10 L 1 lane | 50 g - 2 kg | 10 cpm 2 lane | 50 g - 2 kg | 20 cpm 3 lane | 50 g - 2 kg | 30 cpm 4 lane | 50 g - 2 kg | 35 cpm
V Mini 0.2 L 4 lane | 1 - 200 g | 45 cpm
V25 25 L 1 lane | 1 - 20 kg | 6 cpm 2 lane | 1 - 20 kg | 12 cpm
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